
Online Traffic Simulation, Show Case Pedestrian Traffic and Pedestrian Paths

    We have developed a new traffic simulation based on quantum physics, artificial intelligence and neural networks. This new traffic simulation has great advantages. No traffic matrix or traffic statistics are required. Complex Calibrations do not need to be performed either.

    In this new traffic simulation, traffic is generated from geographical data, such as the resident population, workplaces, work locations, etc. It makes using this new traffic simulation extremely convenient.

    We are pursuing the project of developing an online traffic simulation. This traffic simulation is accessible in a browser application. Digital road maps and the required statistics are made available via the Internet. All what a user has to do in this traffic simulation is to select the area for which the traffic must be simulated.

    This website presents you an example of this online traffic simulation and analysis of pedestrian traffic. Join us step by step through this new online traffic simulation.

    Analyze pedestrian traffic and see how pedestrians behave differently on their way to work or shopping, children go to school.

    You need to plan pedestrian lanes based on such pedestrian traffic analysis.

    Pedestrian Commuter Traffic Morning

    Use the online traffic simulation to evaluate the bicycle commuter traffic of a city for the traffic conditions at 15-minute intervals.
    In this showcase, the area to be observed is already selected. The first traffic condition is calculated for 6:00 a.m., the other traffic conditions are calculated at 15-minutes intervals until 9:00 a.m.

    Open the online traffic simulation by clicking on the image on the left and push the button Start Traffic Simulation.

    Pedestrian Commuter Traffic Evening

    Calculate the traffic flows for the same area. Again, the traffic conditions are calculated for a 15 minute interval. As before, in this showcase, the area to be observed is already selected. The first traffic condition is calculated for 4:00 p.m., the other traffic conditions are calculated in a 15 minute interval until 7:00 p.m.

    Open the online traffic simulation by clicking on the image on the left and push the button Start Traffic Simulation.

    Pedestrian Commuter Traffic Morning

    walking to the train stations

    Use the online traffic simulation to evaluate the bicycle commuter traffic of a city for the traffic conditions at 15-minute intervals.
    In this showcase, the area to be observed is already selected. The first traffic condition is calculated for 6:00 a.m., the other traffic conditions are calculated at 15-minutes intervals until 9:00 a.m.

    Open the online traffic simulation by clicking on the image on the left and push the button Start Traffic Simulation.

    Pedestrian School Traffic Morning

    Schoolchildren on their way to their schools

    Use the online traffic simulation to evaluate the bicycle commuter traffic of a city for the traffic conditions at 15-minute intervals.
    In this showcase, the area to be observed is already selected. The first traffic condition is calculated for 6:00 a.m., the other traffic conditions are calculated at 15-minutes intervals until 9:00 a.m.

    Open the online traffic simulation by clicking on the image on the left and push the button Start Traffic Simulation.

    Pedestrian Shopping Traffic Inbound

    Calculate the traffic flows for the same area. Again, the traffic conditions are calculated for a 15 minute interval. As before, in this showcase, the area to be observed is already selected. The first traffic condition is calculated for 8:45 a.m., the other traffic conditions are calculated in a 15 minute interval until 11:45 a.m. on a Saturday morning

    Open the online traffic simulation by clicking on the image on the left and push the button Start Traffic Simulation.

    Pedestrian Shopping Traffic Outbound

    Calculate the traffic flows for the same area. Again, the traffic conditions are calculated for a 15 minute interval. As before, in this showcase, the area to be observed is already selected. The first traffic condition is calculated for 9:15 a.m., the other traffic conditions are calculated in a 15 minute interval until 0:15 p.m. on a Saturday morning

    Open the online traffic simulation by clicking on the image on the left and push the button Start Traffic Simulation.

    With the new online traffic simulation, it was an ease to calculate a city's pedestrian traffic and analyze their behavior, wasn't it. Imagine being able to draw and plan new pedestrian paths or change existing pedestrian paths in the online traffic simulation. It will be a helpful tool for city planning.

    We will make traffic planning more convenient and your life easier.

    See also the following links

    Online Traffic Simulation, Show Case Road Construction Sites

    Online Traffic Simulation, Show Case Bicycle Traffic and Bicycle Lanes

    Online Traffic Simulation, Show Case Impact of Urban Settlements on Traffic

    Explanations of the Online Traffic Simulation